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The Confession Trilogy

by Richard Windle

After moving to a rustic town, a high school freshman struggles to discover why he’s being attacked by magical beings and monsters, but must overcome both the old town council and a mysterious defense contractor trying to stop him from searching too deep.

About the Author

I’ve been reading fantasy and science fiction for as long as I can remember, starting with Bruce Coville’s Magic Shop books and The Indian in the Cupboard series by Lynne Reid Banks. Later, I moved on to Terry Brooks’s Shannara series, then Piers Anthony, Robert Jordan, Michael Crichton, Stephen King, and George R.R. Martin.

It wasn’t till age twelve, though, that I tried writing my first novel. It was a fantasy story about Elves living on a magical island, which was somehow even worse than one would expect. It fell apart after about ninety pages, but it sparked an interest in me that never really went away. After several more years of reading, I started my senior year of college and was ready to try again. This second effort, about human descendants of Angels, might have been better than my first attempt, but not by much. It generated the appropriate level of interest in publishers, which was none. I then turned to the short story market, which was somehow even more brutal than submitting novels, and eventually got two published (one in Leading Edge, Issue 54, and the other in Wondrous Web Worlds 9). But something in me just had to write books, so I spent a couple more years trying to get one to work, until finally a story came together in 2013, Children of the Deep, the first entry in The Confession Trilogy.

Today, I am continuing to write novels, expanding the world created in the Confession Trilogy. I live in Maryland with my wife, Shana, and our dog, Josey.